+4 : person.firstName (4*), league.clubComp (4*), city.name (26 t), club.longName (51 t), nation.longName (51 t), clubcomp.longName (51 t), nonPlayer.currentAbility (2), player.squadNumber (1), contract.club (4*), stadium.name (51 t), official.firstName (4*), staffHistory.person (4*), continent.name (26 t), preferences.likedClubOne (4*) +5 : player.currentAbility (2) +6 : nonPlayer.potentialAbility (2) +7 : player.potentialAbility (2) +8 : nonPlayer.homeRep (2), person.secondName (4*), official.secondName (4*), staffHistory.season (2), preferences.likedClubTwo (4*) +9 : player.homeRep (2) +a : nonPlayer.currentRep (2), staffHistory.club (4*) +b : player.currentRep (2) +c : nonPlayer.worldRep (2), contract.weeklyWage (4), person.commonName (4*), official.dateOfBirth (8), preferences.likedClubThree (4*) +d : player.worldRep (2) +e : nonPlayer.attacking (1), staffHistory.onLoan (1) +f : nonPlayer.business (1), player.goalkeeper (1), staffHistory.appearances (1) +10: nonPlayer.coaching (1), player.sweeper (1), contract.goalBonus (4), person.dayOfYearBorn (2), staffHistory.goalsScored (1), preferences.dislikedClubOne (4*) +11: nonPlayer.coachingGK (1), player.defender (1) +12: person.yearBorn (2), nonPlayer.coachingTechnique (1), player.defMid (1) +13: nonPlayer.directness (1), player.midfielder (1) +14: nonPlayer.discipline (1), player.attMidfielder (1), contract.assistBonus (4), official.yearOfBirth (2), preferences.dislikedClubTwo (4*) +15: nonPlayer.freeRoles (1), player.striker (1) +16: nonPlayer.interference (1), player.wingBack (1), official.nationality (4*) +17: nonPlayer.judgingCA (1), player.rightSide (1) +18: person.age(2), nonPlayer.judgingPA (1), player.leftSide (1), contract.cleanSheetBonus (4), preferences.dislikedClubThree (4*) +19: nonPlayer.manManagement (1), player.centre (1) +1a: person.nationality (4*), nonPlayer.marking (1), player.freeRole (1), official.city (4*) +1b: nonPlayer.motivating (1), player.acceleration (1) +1c: league.promoteToDivision (4*), nonPlayer.offside (1), player.aggression (1), contract.nonPromotionClause (1), preferences.likedStaffOne (4*) +1d: nonPlayer.patience (1), player.agility (1), contract.minimumFeeClause (1) +1e: person.2ndNationality (4*), nonPlayer.physio (1), player.anticipation (1), contract.nonPlayingClause (1), official.currentAbility (2), continent.nameGender (1) +1f: city.nation (4*), nonPlayer.pressing (1), player.balance (1), contract.relegationClause (1), continent.tla (4 t) +20: league.relegateToDivision (4*), nonPlayer.resources (1), player.bravery (1), contract.managerJobClause (1), official.potentialAbility (2), clubFinances.playersBoughtLastMonth (4), preferences.likedStaffTwo (4*) +21: nonPlayer.tactics (1), player.consistency (1), contract.releaseFee (4) +22: person.caps (1), nonPlayer.youngsters (1), player.corners (1), official.reputation (2) +23: city.latitude (8 f), person.goals (1), player.crossing (1), nonPlayer.faveGoalkeeper (4*), continent.demonym (26 t) +24: person.nationEmployedBy (4*), player.decisions (1), official.allowingFlow (1), preferences.likedStaffThree (4*) +25: player.dirtiness (1), contract.startDate (8), official.discipline (1) +26: player.dribbling (1), official.importantMatches (1) +27: player.finishing (1), nonPlayer.faveSweeper (4*), official.pressure (1) +28: person.jobWithNation (1), player.flair (1), official.refereeing (1), clubFinances.playersSoldLastMonth (4), preferences.dislikedStaffOne (4*) +29: person.jobWithNationStartDate (8), player.freeKicks (1), official.runningTheLine (1) +2a: player.handling (1), official.timeKeeping (1) +2b: city.longitude (8 f), player.heading (1), nonPlayer.faveDefender (4*) +2c: player.importantMatches (1), preferences.dislikedStaffTwo (4*) +2d: player.injuryProneness (1), contract.endDate (8) +2e: player.jumping (1) +2f: player.leadership (1), nonPlayer.faveDefMidfielder (4*) +30: player.leftFoot (1), clubFinances.otherCostsLastMonth (4), prefences.dislikedStaffThree (4*) +31: person.jobWithNationEndDate (8), player.longShots (1) +32: player.marking (1) +33: city.attraction (1), player.offTheBall (1), nonPlayer.faveMidfielder (4*), name.nameId (4) +34: city.weather (4), player.naturalFitness (1), clubFinances.interestPaidLastMonth (4) +35: player.oneOnOnes (1), contract.type (1?) +36: player.pace (1) +37: player.passing (1), stadium.nameGender (1), nonPlayer.faveAttMidfielder (4*), club.longNameGender (1), name.nation (4*) +38: club.shortName (26 t), stadium.city (4*), nation.shortName (26 t), clubcomp.shortName (26 t), player.penalties (1), clubFinances.leagueFinesLastMonth (4) +39: person.club (4*), player.positioning (1) +3a: player.reflexes (1) +3b: player.rightFoot (1), nonPlayer.faveAttacker (4*), name.count (1) +3c: league.numberOfRounds (2), player.stamina (1), stadium.capacity (4), clubFinances.groundMaintenanceLastMonth (4) +3d: person.job (1), player.strength (1), continent.federationLongName (51 t) +3e: person.clubStartDate (8), league.numerOfTeams (2), player.tackling (1) +3f: player.teamWork (1), nonPlayer.faveWingBack (4*) +40: player.technique (1), stadium.seating (4), person.clubStartYear (2), clubFinances.wagesLastMonth (4) +41: player.throwIns (1) +42: player.versatility (1), person.clubStartDateIsLeapYear (4) +43: player.creativity (1), nonPlayer.formation (1) +44: player.workrate (1), stadium.expansionCapacity (4), clubFinances.dividendsLastMonth (4) +45: player.morale (1) +46: person.clubEndDate (8) +48: stadium.nearbyStadium (4*), clubFinances.bonusesLastMonth (4) +49: league.numberOfSubsNamed (1) +4a: league.numberOfSubsUsed (1) +4c: stadium.isCovered (1), clubFinances.signOnFeesLastMonth (4) +4d: stadium.underSoilHeated (1) +4e: person.wage (4) +50: clubFinances.gateReceiptsLastMonth (4) +52: person.value (4), club.shortNameGender (1) +53: club.nation (4*), clubcomp.abbreviation (4 t), nation.tla (4 t) +54: clubFinances.otherIncomeLastMonth (4) +56: person.adaptability (1) +57: club.division (4*), person.ambition (1), clubcomp.scope (1), nation.demonym (26 t) +58: person.determination (1), clubcomp.selected (1), clubFinances.prizeMoneyLastMonth (4) +59: person.loyalty (1), clubcomp.continent (4*) +5a: person.pressure (1) +5b: club.lastDivision (4*), person.professionalism (1) +5c: person.sportsmanship (1), clubFinances.seasonTicketLastMonth (4) +5d: person.temperament (1), clubcomp.nation (4*) +5e: person.squad (1) +5f: person.classification (1), club.lastPosition (1) +60: person.clubValuation (1), club.reserveDivision (4*), clubFinances.interestEarnedLastMonth (4) +61: person.player (4*), clubcomp.foregroundColour (4*) +64: club.proStatus (1), clubFinances.investmentLastMonth (4) +65: club.bankBalance (4), person.preferences (4*), clubcomp.backgroundColour (4*) +68: clubFinances.tvRevenueLastMonth (4) +69: club.stadium (4*), person.nonPlayer (4*), clubcomp.reputation (2) +6c: clubFinances.merchandisingLastMonth (4) +6d: club.ownsStadium (1), person.euroRegistered (1) +6e: club.reserveStadium (4*) +70: continent.federationLongNameGender (1), clubFinances.playersBoughtThisMonth (4) +71: nation.continent (4*), continent.federationShortName (26 t) +72: club.homeMatchDay (1) +73: club.averageAttendance (4) +74: clubFinances.unknown (4) +75: nation.region (1) +76: nation.actualRegion (1) +77: nation.languageOne (1), club.minimumAttendance (4) +78: nation.languageTwo (1), clubFinances.playersSoldThisMonth (4) +79: nation.languageThree (1) +7a: nation.capital (4*) +7b: club.maximumAttendance (4) +7c: clubFinances.unknown (4) +7e: nation.developedState (1) +7f: club.trainingFacilities (1), nation.eecMember (1) +80: club.reputation (2), nation.stadium (4*), clubFinances.otherCostsThisMonth (4) +82: club.plc (1) +83: club.homeKitForeground (4*) +84: nation.gameImportance (1), clubFinances.interestPaidThisMonth (4) +85: nation.leagueStandard (1) +86: nation.clubCount (2) +87: club.homeKitBackground (4*) +88: nation.staffCount (4), clubFinances.leagueFinesThisMonth (4) +8b: club.awayKitForeground (4*), continent.federationShortNameGender (1) +8c: nation.seasonUpdateDay (2), continent.regionalStrength (?), clubFinances.groundMaintenanceThisMonth (4) +8e: nation.reputation (2) +8f: club.awayKitBackground (4*) +90: clubFinances.wagesThisMonth (4) +93: club.thirdKitForeground (4*) +94: clubFinances.dividendsThisMonth (4) +97: club.thirdKitBackground (4*) +98: clubFinances.bonusesThisMonth (4) +9b: club.likedStaffOne (4*) +9c: clubFinances.signOnFeesThisMonth (4) +9f: club.likedStaffTwo (4*) +a0: clubFinances.gateReceiptsThisMonth (4) +a3: club.likedStaffThree (4*) +a4: clubFinances.otherIncomeThisMonth (4) +a7: club.dislikedStaffOne (4*) +a8: clubFinances.prizeMoneyThisMonth (4) +ab: club.dislikedStaffTwo (4*) +ac: clubFinances.seasonTicketsThisMonth (4) +af: club.dislikedStaffThree (4*) +b0: clubFinances.interestEarnedThisMonth (4) +b3: club.rivalClubOne (4*) +b4: clubFinances.investmentThisMonth (4) +b7: club.rivalClubTwo (4*) +b8: clubFinances.tvRevenueThisMonth (4) +bb: club.rivalClubThree (4*) +bc: clubFinances.merchandisingThisMonth (4) +bf: club.chairman (4*) +c0: clubFinances.playersBoughtLastYear (4) +c3: club.directorOne (4*) +c4: clubFinances.unknown (4) +c7: club.directorTwo (4*) +c8: clubFinances.playersSoldLastYear (4) +cb: club.directorThree (4*) +cc: clubFinances.unknown (4) +cf: club.manager (4*) +d0: clubFinances.otherExpenditureLastYear (4) +d3: club.assistantManager (4*) +d4: clubFinances.interestPaidLastYear (4) +d7: club.squad (4* x 50) +d8: clubFinances.leagueFinesLastYear (4) +dc: clubFinances.groundMaintenanceLastYear (4) +e0: clubFinances.wagesLastYear (4) +e2: league.stadiumCapacityRequired (2) +e4: league.seatingCapacityRequired (2), clubFinances.dividendsLastYear (4) +e8: clubFinances.bonusesLastYear (4) +ec: clubFinances.signOnFeesLastYear (4) +f0: clubFinances.gateReceiptsLastYear (4) +f4: clubFinances.otherIncomeLastYear (4) +f8: clubFinances.prizeMoneyLastYear (4) +fc: clubFinances.seasonTicketsLastYear (4) +100: clubFinances.interestEarnedLastYear (4) +104: clubFinances.InvestmentLastYear (4) +108: clubFinances.tvRevenueLastYear (4) +10c: clubFinances.merchandisingLastYear (4) +110: nation.rivalOne (4*), clubFinances.playersBoughtThisYear (4) +114: nation.rivalTwo (4*), clubFinances.unknown (4) +118: nation.rivalThree (4*), clubFinances.playersSoldThisYear (4) +11c: nation.selected (1), clubFinances.unknown (4) +120: clubFinances.otherCostsThisYear (4) +124: clubFinances.interestPaidThisYear (4) +128: clubFinances.leagueFinesThisYear (4) +12c: clubFinances.groundMaintenanceThisYear (4) +130: clubFinances.wagesPaidThisYear (4) +134: clubFinances.dividendsPaidThisYear (4) +138: clubFinances.bonusesPaidThisYear (4) +13c: clubFinances.signOnFeesThisYear (4) +140: clubFinances.gateReceiptsThisYear (4) +144: clubFinances.otherIncomeThisYear (4) +148: clubFinances.prizeMoneyThisYear (4) +14c: clubFinances.seasonTicketsThisYear (4) +150: clubFinances.interestEarnedThisYear (4) +154: clubFinances.investmentThisYear (4) +158: clubFinances.tvRevenueThisYear (4) +15c: clubFinances.merchandisingThisYear (4) +19f: club.coaches (4* x 5) +1b3: club.scouts (4* x 7) +1cf: club.physios (4* x 3) +1db: club.euroComp (4*) +1df: club.euroSeed (1) +1e0: club.matchSquad (4* x 20) +230: club.tactics (4, 4, 4, 4) +240: club.currentTactics (4) +244: club.hasLinkedClub (1) – First value is the offset from the start of each object that this information is stored. – Value in brackets is the number of bytes used – t = text, f = floating point, * signifies that the value will be a pointer at run time but a simple integer in the data. More: [0AE235C] = Total number of domestic clubs [0AE2C90] = Current day (of year)(?) [0AE2C92] = Current year